Tuesday, October 16, 2012

no break in the clouds

and now for the next issue on the agenda...the plain old boring anemia. 

 Back to the haematologist next month. I'm sure he'll want to hook me back up to the every so yucky iron infusion. Once a week, about one and a half hours of icky IV iron administered in the cancer centre. Me and my terribly tiny and ever so painful veins, surrounded by people having chemo. This is followed by about a day of extreme fatigue. Oh happy joy, can't wait. 

This interesting little journey has provided one new tool I have come to like and rely on. The online 'patient gateway' where I can go and check my latest blood test results, see my next appointment (providing the doctor is in the system) and check reports from previous appointments. Not perfect, but there's enough useful info that I no longer have to wait for a copy of my results, or hope the doctor will send me a note in the mail with info about a recent test.

Just wish my primary care doc was part of this system. But they've just rolled out their own system, which, of course, is not part of the other one. So, my primary care doc still has to rely on info I've specifically asked the specialists to send him, or info I provide. 

Sigh. One day all health care systems will be useful and helpful. Until then....we'll muddle along as usual.

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