Monday, August 27, 2012

The MRI that wasn't

I showed up on time for my recent MRI, very hydrated (for the IV). Filled out the paperwork - asking about various procedures and medications to ensure there were no problems.

Wait patiently while the person with the appointment before mine (who was late), is taken in and scanned.

Now it's my turn. Get changed into hospital gown, visit the bathroom. Wait in 'the chair' for the IV line to be put in. Not my favourite thing in the world. Ever.

Nurse comes in. "I just need to check a few things. You had an endoscopy last week - right?"
"Ok, I'll be right back"

Nurse comes back in. "Uh, they did a biopsy during your endoscopy?"
"I need to check something"

MRI Tech comes in. "We can't do this MRI today"
Me "Why not?"
 Tech "When they do a biopsy, they use tiny little metal clamps on the area they biopsy"
Me "Oh. And that would be bad in an MRI"
Tech "Yes! We have to wait 30 days from the date of the biopsy to schedule an MRI"
Me "Why didn't they tell me this?"
Tech "They don't think of it"
Me "Why didn't they schedule the MRI before the endoscopy"
Tech "They don't think like that"
Me "But, this is one of their major tests, don't you think they'd have figured it out by now"
Tech "You'd think, but no. I recently had a doctor call me up and scream at me for not doing the ordered MRI on his patient. I reponded that an MRI would have KILLED his patient. His patient had a pacemaker"
Me "Are you serious??"

We went out to the desk to reschedule for next month. (After I changed back into my clothes, thankful no IV had been started before this interesting conversation)

When I left the hospital, it was rush hour traffic.I'll take painful rush hour traffic over having a hole (or two) burned through my esophagus by an MRI!!

And so, the fun month

1 comment:

  1. Generally, a technician has an hourly rate of $18 and up. Those who have been in the field for 10 to 15 years get an hourly rate of $40 or more. Click here
